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Free Book Geared Towards Parents of Minor Children

You may remember your mom telling you to wear clean underwear before you left the house in case you were ever in an accident. Well if you’re a parent of a minor child, wearing clean underwear simply isn’t enough. As a parent, you have likely spent time planning birthday parties, arranging playdates, and saving for their education, but have you adequately planned for what would happen if you couldn’t be there for your little ones.

One of the primary drivers of why I chose a career in estate planning is to ensure that I help other parents do all that they can to protect their children. If you would like a copy of the e-book Wear Clean Underwear, please provide your name and email and I will grant you immediate access to a pdf of this book. If you prefer a Kindle version of this e-book, please let me know in the Message section and you will receive that within 24-48 hours.

  • Get the crucial legal lowdown you need to know to protect your kids!

  • Discover how to pass on what really matters most – no matter how much money you have.

  • Know that you’ve done everything possible to protect the people that you love

  • All in an easy to read “choose your own adventure” style book